would like to try a saltwater aquarium need lots of help please


New Member
hi everyone I currently run a 30 freshwater tank. I really would like to try saltwater instead due to the larger selection of fish and brillance in colors! I would like to start out with a 55 What is the best equipment to start this size tank? Iwould like a reef and fish that would do best in a reef enviroment. Please help me get started in this branch of the hobby with any helpful information youve learnded over the years.Thankyou very much for any information.

mr . salty

Active Member
READ,READ,READ,then read all the post on all three BB's here. Go to your lfs(local fish store) and see what he's got for equipment. You need to get some sort of an idea what YOU want,and what's in your budget. You can ask 100 people and get 100 ideas how to set up a 55. Get a good idea what you want,then ask more specific questions. We'll be glad to help. STEVE


Active Member
Hi Mike,
Welcome !
I would read the tank set-up info on this site, go to library or bookstore and as Steve said above, read all you can, and surf websites for lots of information as well.
Here's a link I found and still find very informative. http://saltaquarium.about.com
Good luck


You MUST read. A book that I found very helpful is "the complete idiots guide to saltwater fish" It will be much better for you to read some good books first, then ask us to fill in the gaps. Because if you don't read, you will not know the right questions to ask.

mr . salty

Active Member
Hey Brian, I look at that site alot too. alot of good info...MIKE, you should check it out...............STEVE


look at the sites www.reefs.org www.reefcentral.com
They are both excellent sites with heaps of great information.
For a reef, I can give a few peices of advice:
1) Get good equipment in the first place, because eventually you will anyway. This goes for:
1) lighting-DO NOT SKIMP!!!! VHO, PC, Metal Halide or a combination thereof. Depending on what you want to keep, get as much light as possible. I know some people who keep 400-watt Metal Halides plus VHO over 55-gallon tanks but then again this is excessive for most reefs. 175-watt Metal Halides or 4x96-watt PC's would be enough.
2) skimmer!!! Do not skimp on this peice of equipment! THe best way to filter the tank is without a doubt the natural or Berlin method. Buy yourself enough sand to cover 4-5" at the bottom, as small diameter grain size as possible (I use 0.5mm). Seed this with some live sand, buy some live rock (about 70lbs would be fine but this can vary s great deal) and that is the basis of your filter. To get rid of organics, buy a big, chunky skimmer. I live in Australia and we do not have all the same brands as you do but from speaking to people over there the brands to check out are ETS and EuroReef. Get a skimmer rated at twice the tank capacity (in your case, rated at LEAST 110gal).
3) Make sure you have adequate circulation, about 5 times the tank capacity per hour is good.
4) Sit back and watch the reef flourish!!!!


Boy I need to get out more, I've never heard of any of these sites, or looked at any of the other bb's.! My favorite book is "An Idiot's Guide to Saltwater Aquariums" VERY helpful, from the very basic stuff to the more intricate details of the hobby. Exceptional at explaining all the options for equipment. Good Luck