Would my 80Gallon Reef tank be overstocked?


I am going to start a 80 gallon reef tank with dimensions of 48"x20"x20". I would like to have 2 percula's, one yellow tang, and one kole tang. Would this be overstocking? I will be using live rock, and a 30 gallon sump/ref with LS & LR.


IMO you won't technically be overstocking in the sense of bio load on the system, but most people would probably tell you to only have 1 tang in an 80 gallon. When you figure your bio load you can add the volume of your sump too!
Good luck!:D


Active Member
I think your list looks good.
IMO, you could probably also get a fish that hangs out in and around the rocks such as a blenny or goby (the other fish in your list all are "swimmers").
I just like the idea of a "balanced" tank.