Would the gold banded maroon clown be too agressive?

I'm thinking about getting a gold banded maroon clownfish and a scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp. I want to get some damsels too. Would the clown be too aggressive? My dad had some and they were fine with a maroon. Just wondering because damsels are aggressive too. Should I get them at the tame time or separate?


Clowns are nothing but damsels in fancy PJ's so they're all aggressive. YSM's get large (6.5" for an adult female) and are one of the more aggressive clownfishes.
If all you're going to stock are clowns and damsels, that's fine. However, if you want to stock anything else down the road, you'd want to add the nastier fish last, or not at all. The reason I mention this is because there are an awful lot of threads entitled "How can I catch my damsels?", meaning they're causing trouble with their tankmates.
Bottom line, consider your total stocking plan and tank size.