Would this filtration work?


I have a 75 gallon tank i plan on putting 60 pounds of Live sand and 75 pounds of live rock.
The tank will be Fish Only(tang, dwarf angel and 2 percs)My question is can i run the tank with just 2 Aqauclear 500"s with sponge and chemipure or will that not be enough?
If thats not enough what would be the cheapest and most effective form of filtration?


Active Member
The best way to filter a tank is to let the LS and LR do the filtering for you. The way you are suggesting to set up the tank is a freshwater set-up. Some people do it...but I would'nt recommend it.
So,you have a main tank..it can be predrilled with built in overflows or if it's not,then an overflow box will be needed. Make sure the overflow box is rated for the tank.In other words..you calculate how much water you want to turn over in your tank{GPH gallons per hour} and match the overflow and return pump.10 times turnover is about average. So with a 75 gal tank you will need an 850 GPH pump. Then you will need a second tank to make into a sump. If it is a 75 gal tank, a 20 long is perfect.In the sump you put your protein skimmer,heater, and return pump. It is best to find someone who can baffle the sump for you.That will keep micro-bubbles from entering the tank when you feed. You will want an average of 1- 1 1/2 Lbs of LR per gallon, and a sandbed of approx 3"-4". The sand can be playsand,to which you add a few LBs of LS. The LS will seed the other sand and make it live. A couple powerheads inside the tank will provide additional circulation and airation.
This is one way to set up a SW tank. There are others...closed loops etc.


Active Member
Ihave a canister and wouldn't reccomend it. I'm getting it out soon and getting a sump/fuge with a skimmer.