would this help the cycling time??


i have given my brother my old 29 gall. tank i used for a saltwater tank he is going to do the same .if i put my water change water into his tank will it help with the cycling process??

nm reef

Active Member
Possibly......but its not something I'd do....I'd rateher allow the new system to cycle at its own pace. Patience sometimes is the best path in this hobby.


Active Member
What it primarily does is pass on old grungy water to a brand new tank, complete with any water quality issues.
It is better to set up new, and contribute a cup of established sand or get a gift of some LR.


also with the amount of money you're gonna spend in this hobby, you don't want to rush things and risk losing fish by rushing a cycle.


I would agree with everyone so far. I have had my 75 gallon tank up and running for 5 years. The leading advise I give when peeple ask me about salt water tanks is patience. I lost many fish and dollars when I first started because I thought I had to be the biggest and badest. Good Luck