would this tomato be a femal or male?


Active Member
my lfs has the tomato i need but its bin in the tank for about 2mnths know and has dug a huge nest. would it be a female it is about 2-3inches?


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7views not 1answer i am going to get it tonight and know my clown i want it to breed with isnt eating


Active Member
Is the fish with other clowns? Male and female will clear spots on the tank so thats not an indicator. If there are two or more clowns in a tank the most dominant one will be the female.


Active Member
You could do this then...
Make sure the second clown you buy is alot smaller than the one in your tank now. By alot, I mean about half the size and not more than 3/4th of the size.


They switch ---.... the bigger becomes the female... after time if it does or whatnot the male can switch and become female... you should deff buy a smaller one... but either way I think they work out the ---


Active Member
I already posted on that other thread you have, but to add to my post..... I smaller clown should be added with the clown you have now. 1/2 the size of your clown should work out nice. What your doing is setting up the new comer for a fall in rank so to avoid over stressing him/her I would look for a smaller clown in a tank at the LFS who is NOT the dominant fish. A dominant fish being thrown into new surrounding with even more dominant larger fish adds alot of stress to the already stressful situation. IMO