Would this work as a QT


I want to get a Qt going, on an as needed basis, I have a rubbermaid, & a bio wheel 330. the wheels have cont to be in my main tanks sump, not dried out, & I have have the carbon filter packets. Do you think it would work, without a full cycle?


Staff member
Use water from your main tank [if it is good quality] and through in a couple of cups of substrate.
It will help with a cycle, but I wouldn't add 10 fish at once!


Yeah, I'm just looking to put 1 fish, my replacement 3" clown trigger in. He'll be here Tuesday, :). Last guy was 1" & grew up to 2 3/4", then came the fires, & the major heat flux in the tank :( temps went from 86+ to 74 in 1 day :eek: . I was wondering if I would be ok running this type of set up for the new guy for a couple of weeks
Thanks again


Well I just got back from PetSmart, with a 20gl 30L x 12W x 12H
Hospital tank. I've got the heater going, with 2 large pieces of LR, & both baskets in the 330 Bio wheel, have CC from the main tank. Water was also taken from main tank, & Lr bucket. I have adj salt levels. My concern, is how long will ick live w/o a fish host. Should I just start w/ all new water. All H2O perameters spot on. I didn't paint the bottom of tank, but I did put a blue tarp under & around it. Anything else I should do. I will be using the carbon filter packs, when my fish comes nex tuesday.
Thanks again Beth for all the help