Would This work for R/O supply

sign guy

Active Member
great idea but the problem lays in finding a pump that will fit the bill. your pump will need about 65 psi and I dont know of any myself


New Member
I'm sorry , i should have said that the pump would be probably a pump for well water. we used one at the farm and it made pressure similar to household pressure. thanks

sign guy

Active Member
well do you have a gauge. I guess you could try it. I had so much waste water from my 75gpd tfc I use the waist to feed a 35 gpd tfc. works well

mr. green

Just remember that waste from an RO/DI unit is just that, waste. It is concentrated metals, ions, and such that are rejected by the membrane. The increased waste you put back into the RO/DI unit could foul the membrane really quick, but it does depend on your incoming water quality. You might want to try draining it in a washer when you need to do a load of laundry, might save some water.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Green
Just remember that waste from an RO/DI unit is just that, waste. It is concentrated metals, ions, and such that are rejected by the membrane. The increased waste you put back into the RO/DI unit could foul the membrane really quick, but it does depend on your incoming water quality. You might want to try draining it in a washer when you need to do a load of laundry, might save some water.

soory to disagree but waist water is just rejected water its the same water that enters the unit just cant pass the through the tfc fast enough with out hurting the tfc. its the same stuff that enters the unit your just using its presure then throwing it away


signguy got it exactly right its the same waterif u get a pump with enough pressure it will work the minimum is 40 psiushould get tds metr and see whats coming in from your waste water u save it should be the same as your water u keep there nare many uses for the waste water i use it for my freshwater tanks its great u can use it for household usess like laundry it gets very expensive if u pay a water bill


New Member
thanks guys , thats what i thought. the waste water is just the excess that went by the filters. the metals and junk are already in the filter,right?
i think i will try soon. let you know


Originally Posted by frigger
just trying not to waste so much water and dont really see any reason this cant work well.
I think it might work... You are saving the waste water... :thinking:
Ummm I might have to try it my self too....