would this work on these fish?????


I have a ten gallon that is in the cycle...when its ready I would like to get a clown fish..and a purple firefish. Would it be ok if i only had one clown and one purple firefish...I want to have 2 clowns and one purple firefish..I did a post on this a little while ago, but moved on...lol..help me out..
Thanks again yall


Active Member
Originally Posted by jden092901
I have a ten gallon that is in the cycle...when its ready I would like to get a clown fish..and a purple firefish. Would it be ok if i only had one clown and one purple firefish...I want to have 2 clowns and one purple firefish..I did a post on this a little while ago, but moved on...lol..help me out..
Thanks again yall
well. i think its possible but not till its a older tank and the filter can take the bioload or the filter is oversized and a good one.
then it might be possible but eventually the clown might get to big with both in there..
how about a purple dart fish and a clown goby?