Would this work?


New Member
First, thank you VERY much for reading! I am somewhat new to saltwater, and have had a tank going for about 9 months. The tank is established, and water is where it needs to be (had water checked at fish store). I have damsels in the tank but want to get the following in my 75 Gallon tank:
1 - Snowflake Eel
1 - Volition Lionfish
1 - Clown Trigger
1 - Flagfin Angelfish (maybe)
I have about 75 LBS of live rock in the tank. My fish store has told me they will take the damsels back if I decide to get more aggressive fish. Let me know what you think. THANKS!!!!
Originally Posted by OmahaFish
First, thank you VERY much for reading! I am somewhat new to saltwater, and have had a tank going for about 9 months. The tank is established, and water is where it needs to be (had water checked at fish store). I have damsels in the tank but want to get the following in my 75 Gallon tank:
1 - Snowflake Eel
1 - Volition Lionfish
1 - Clown Trigger
1 - Flagfin Angelfish (maybe)
I have about 75 LBS of live rock in the tank. My fish store has told me they will take the damsels back if I decide to get more aggressive fish. Let me know what you think. THANKS!!!!
You could leave the damsels and have a meal waiting fot your predators. I'd scratch the flagfin.


Originally Posted by Hunt
I dont think a Lion and a clown trigger are compatable
+1. I believe I've read on other threads that triggers will attack lionfish fins and seriously injure or kill them.


You have to be careful with a lion and trigger. Triggers are known to be fin nippers and lions have plenty of fun things to nip at lol. And a clown trigger I think thats what you said, is one of the most aggresive fish in the trade you will have to pay extra attention to him. Im not saying it wont work me I have taken gambles in the past, some worked some didnt. Back when I worked at a pet store my manager put a clown trigger in a tank with a bunch of damsels (we got the fish from a guy who couldnt take care of it any more, the trigger was only about 3 in long) I dont know what my manager was thinking putting a clown trigger in a tank with a bunch of damsels any ways the trigger bit one of the damsels and got the taste for blood...next morning all of the damsels were dead (talkin 8 fish) trigger cleaned them all out... Luckly it was just damsels... On a later note my manager was later fired for stealing a dog lmao so He was an idiot to begin with
my advise to you is if u want one of these (ive had one hes doing fine semi aggressive) get them while they are young and watch them closly mainly if your going put other fish in with it


My clown trigger got along with other fish including damsels and my lion. Eel is another story, he killed the trigger during feeding.


Active Member
I cannot think of a worse tankmate for a lion than a clown trigger. I know they are often kept together, but for how long? CTs are well known for turning from passive to killers overnight; I don't think its a matter of if the CT attacks the lion (and everything else)...its only a question of when. IMO & IME; this isn't even a gray area, CTs are one of the most aggressive fish we keep, but fool lots of folks because they often play nice for a while. I've researched this combination in the past and have never heard of a reputable author/ book that doesn't say the same thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by erifish3
My clown trigger got along with other fish including damsels and my lion. Eel is another story, he killed the trigger during feeding.
Just curious: how long were they all together?