Would this work?


Right now I have two aquariums on the first floor of my house.
They are in different rooms but not all that far apart. What I
would like to do is put a Refugium in the basement with both tanks
utilizing it. The run from each tank would be about 15 feet if I
center the basement tank. The two upstairs tanks are a 200 and
a 125. I was thinking about using a 55 and a 75 in the basement
the 55 for the heaters and skimmer and the 75 would have all the
sand and critters in it. Both upstairs tanks have a DSB and LR.
I was just wondering if this sounds crazy or could it work. I was
thinking of using 2 pumps in the basement, one for each tank.
Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.


I kinda figured it would take a couple big pumps. I guess my only
other concern would be once I get this finished how it will
affect both tanks at first with shared water for the first time.
They have all the same perameters but still can't be perfectly
the same.


What kind of setup are they...FO, FOWLR, REEF? Before you connect them and getting everything running try to get the parameters as close as possible to eachother. Maybe in the meantime you can slowly acclimate the tanks to eachother by adding a cup or so of water from one tank to the other and vice versa.
Good Luck,


The 125 has about 100LBs of live rock and some corals. It also has
3 fish, a sailfin tang, sabea clown and a scooter blenny. It also has two 400watt MH lights on it. The 200 has about 200LBs of
live rock but no corals, for fish it has a map angel and 11 Green Chromis, it also has 2 chocolate chip stars. For lighting it only
has two 160watt VHOs. They both have various crabs and snails.
Good idea about the cups of water! Thanks!


if you think about it anything along those lines will be benificial because you will be adding volume to the system. (the bigger the volume the slower the water quality swings)