Would this work?


Active Member
Hi, I need a temporary light before I can find a better system and would a black light strip work? It's likea fish tank light but with a black light on it? Otherwise i can put the fish tank next to another and maybe the tank would be lighted by the other one? Can someone tell me if either of those would work?


Probably wont make a diff either way the blacklight wave lenght is so high there wouldn't be much penetration into the water.


Active Member
It's for an exile tank... 5 gallon... its about a foot and half high; in diameter actually (its a shape of a circle) THen the width is about a half a foot. The openning is about 5-6 inches and I just can't figure out anything to work.
Also, i can't find a heater than won't melt the sucker... you guys know how those vacuum to clean gravel works... right? well is there anyway to set two of those up to circulate the two aquariums into one. I have a filter for the 5 gallon but if i circulate the water i won't need a tank and the 5 gallon water would be healtheir. I can't afford power heads and frankly don't think they will fit in the 5 gallon, lol... it also might empty the five gallon in a second :rolleyes:
neway, please give me your oppininos... thanks in advance...