WOW - Got new lighting


Active Member
Just installed my new CustomSealife Power Compacts, 4 PC bulbs & cooling fan.
(2) 55 watt 6700K Ultra-Daylight,
(2) 55 watt 7100K Ultra-Radiant Actinic Blue,
What a difference that made

Going to do the dawn/dusk timer deal, and wanted to know what others feel is a good length of time for photoperiod.
Right now just FOwLR but will be adding some corals in a couple months.
Is this truly a personal preference, or are their any general rules that I should consider ?

mr . salty

Active Member
Sounds KILLER. I have my blues on at 7am. At noon the metal halite kicks in and shuts down at about 6pm.(or whenever I turn it off) The blues stay on till about 9pm. STEVE