Wow..I feel smart!


New Member
As I have stated before, I'm going to be setting up my first saltwater aquarium. I have had freshwater for years. I'll admit all the new things to learn is a bit intimidating, to say the least!
Our local pet store had recently set up their first saltwater about a month ago. I went in there yesterday to ask about how she did her water (our town is notorious for bad water). She absolutely astonished me with her lack of knowledge! LOL First of all, she has a 210 gallon aquarium on the 2nd floor of this OLD building. I can't help but worry about the weight of that thing on that floor!
I asked her about how she mixed up her water. She said.."Well, I started out using buckets and tap water, but that was too many buckets, so I just used tapwater and stress coat" Huh? In all the reading I've done, I have never once seen stress coat can be used as a substitute for filtered or at the very least water that has sat 24-48 hrs. Am I wrong here?
Then, I asked her about her sand bed. She has crushed coral over sand. I asked her how much live sand a tank like that required. She told me "Oh, I only used 20 lbs of LS...but that's expensive, so I went down to Menard's (like a Home Depot) and bought sand from them" Wow. there's some savings!
She cycled the tank with black mollies..which she told me she was going to sell as saltwater fish!
She has no live rock in the tank, and no skimmer. She has about 20 three striped Damsels along with the mollies.
Should I maybe not consider her as a source of valuable information?


Active Member
I wouldn't consider any advice she has about anything. Maybe you should go back and tell her about so she can learn about this hobby before she gives any of her customers some of the normal LFS bad advice. Like cycling with fish. :thinking: :happyfish :thinking: