WOW! i hate my clarki!


Active Member
i just bought a mate for it and its beeting the #%&# outta it wat should i do leave it until its accpeted or take it out?


u bought a female :scared:
not good at all one of them will die

u should take it back to ur lfs and exchange it for a new one :notsure: sorry
when u pick out the new one make sure its smaller then ur one u already havr and its a smaller one in the tank at the lfs so its already a male


Active Member
If the new one is alot smaller than the established one, then "she" (bigger one) is showing him the smaller one whom is boss. I would try and keep the lights off for a couple more hours. She may end up killing him anyway. It's always a good idea to pick out 2 from the same tank at the LFS, again 1 big, 1 small. I picked out two small ones and there is clearly a dominant one and she has gotten alot bigger than the other. Hope that helps.


Active Member
I had a nice pair of Clarkiis and one of them died and when I introduced a new one I rearranged the rockwork and had no trouble. The new one was about half the size of the established fish (this was in a 55gal).