WOW! I just took some pictures.


Active Member
Got some problems.
1)they are 2 big how can i shrink them
2) i thought the digital camra would work good.....guess i was fooled.


Active Member
right click on the pic. go to edit. then go to Image then stretch strew. and the change by percent


Active Member
Looks like you took the stretch/skew a bit too seriously.

did you enter equal numbers in the fields? If not it will distort the image. Hold your pointer over the image to see the original size then determine what percentage will get you down to the 500x500 limit. Example: if the original image is 2000x2000 you would enter 25% in each field to end up with a 500x500 image. Don't forget to make a copy of the pic unless you don't mind losing the original.