WOW! What a difference


Active Member
I finally got rid of the three aptaisa that were behind my toadstool. My toadstool looks 100% better!! I thought it had just been growing and getting too big for my tank. IT was long and kinda spindly looking and lighter in color. I think it was just trying to get higher than the aptaisa!
Since I removed them, my toadstool has been it's short, bright green self again!!
What a difference!!


Active Member
Cool, just keep an I on the rest of your tank because were there was some I am sure there are many to follow.


Active Member
Yeah, I had some that were bothering a Candy Cane. I took the rock out (leaving the candy cane in the tank), sat it in freshwater and scraped it off with a knife, then after putting everything back the candy cane looked so much better.


Active Member
I already found two ity bity tiny ones on my red chili, which is right next to my toadstool. They are so tiny I'm afraid to inject them with boiling water. I have to get some surynges too.
I don't know how to use joe's juice and I don't have any anyway. I'm going to LFS tomorrow maybe I will see if they have any.