so live rock has to sit on the bottom of the tank, and the sand goes around it.. cuss i did not know this and my rock has been siting on my sand for oh a good 3 months now...
My live rock sits on a very thin layer of CC. I have not had any problems but I have also built a good layer of cc around it too!
6 years and no collapses yet!!!
my rock has been ontop sand for over a year I would be scared to pile that much rock on the glass. IMO the sand helps desperse the wieght.
got any pics neardy 6 years must be nice and established
Beanie - Liverock does not HAVE TO SIT ON THE BOTTOM, but it does like DfishH says make for a more stable formation, and can help to prevent reefalanches.
Do it anyway you want it's your tank
Those with DSBs would cut the function in half most of the time if they don't put the sand in first. Not to mention killing the bottom four inches of rock by smothering it. Just my opinion.