wrasse has white sores, should I use MarOxy?


Active Member
I have a Scott's Velvet Wrasse with what appears to be fungus. It is possible that it is something else, however. I just bought some MarOxy and some MelaFix. Are either of these reef safe? Both are SUPPOSED to be. See my signature for specific animals that could be harmed. I am trying to avoid setting up a hospital tank, but will do so if necessary. As to specific symptoms on the fish, it has several white fuzzy spots, on on the base of his tail, another on his dorsal fin, another one or two on the side of his body. The spot on his tail has created what looks like a small ulcer, and the spot on his dorsal has eaten away one of the cartilage spikes that hold a fin together (what is that part called anyway?). All suggestions welcome.


Staff member
I would recommend moving the fish to a hospital tank. It is never a good idea to treat a fish in any display tank, let alone a reef tank.
I am no expert on fungal diseases, but it may be saproglenia. Use some Forma-Green or Acriflavine for 5-7 days. You can also try the maroxy. I have never had a fungal problem with a maine fish, as fungal problems are actually pretty rare with SW fish.
Whatever the med., don't add meds to your reef tank.