wrasse question


I just finished acclimating a clean-up crew I bought from this site. The lights are still off, which got me to thinking what to add next to my tank. I currently have two clownfish in it, it's a 55 gal. I was thinking about a Lunare wrasse, or six- line wrasse, or four line wrasse, or maybe a combo of the three. My questions are these: how compatible are they not only with each other, but in the future I would like to get a pygmy angel, like a coral beauty? I want this tank to be FOWLR community.


be careful not to add to many things into the tank at once, all of the critters you mention are good for a tank, remember that your tank has to get used to the new bio load.


New Member
Hi Doc
One of my wrasse favourites (and very under-rated, IMO) is the Canary wrasse (a.k.a. Yellow Coris, Golden wrasse) with its' brilliant yellow colour. Usually sold in 1" to 1.5" size and grows to 3"- 4". Very peaceful.
What I know of the six-line wrasse is that it is also very peaceful.
Best regards...


The lunare gets pretty big and can be very mean, I know I had one that had to go back, a six line is a great fish never bothers anyone and very hardy. Good Luck


Active Member
I'll put in a vote for the 6-line. Mine is great with a Bangaii, Percula, and Lawnmower. Never bothers anything and swims in and out of the LR. Can't believe some of the gaps it goes through.