wrasse with shark?


I was wondering if these two species would work together. I own the aquarium sharks and rays book, but could not find anything on a wrasse being a good or a bad species to have with a shark.
I have a FOWLR 180 gallon, with a bamboo, a miniautis grouper, and a stingray. I plan on upgrading to a 900 gallon within a year (or whenever my home gets completed).


I have a saddle wrasse with a bamboo sharks and they are fine together. They share food and dont mess with each other.


Active Member
It is risky, but many times it can be done. Especially in large enough aquariums. Species of wrasse also makes a pretty big difference.


Thanks for the replies thus far. Cincy, I was thinking of getting a harlequin tusk, or a bird wrasse. With the temperment of these two species, could it work?


Active Member
The owner of my LFS has a bat ray, a bluspotted ray, an eppaulette and my former male bamboo in his 300 with a harl. tusk with no issues. Id say try it, but watch closely with the tusk and the ray. Some wrasses pick at them due to the very high protien content in a rays "slime" coat.


i've seen cleaner wrasses with HUGE sharks... i think its one of those neutral species that no other fish will eat.. I say go for it, but maybe wait until you upgrade?
good luck