

ive aquired a wrasse from my brother, it hides in the rocks all day and i even thought it was dead, it had covered itself up with sand, is this normal behavior


what kind of wrasse is it and do you have any pics...also some info about your setup and other fish in the tank would be helpfull..but it is not uncommon for wrasse to hide when first introduced to a new tank but like it said the other info would help..it could be getting picked on by other fish??


the two fish with him have been with him since he went into my brothers tank, dont know what kind of wrasse its green/blue with red/orange marks on its face, the other two fish are a black and white humbug and some yellow fish, tank is LS and currently DR, i wasnt ready for fish but my brother decided he was just gonna quit taking care of them so i took them, none of the fish have lost any color and the other two are active and feeding, i just added some hermits, but they leave him alone from what ive seen, the tank was cycled and the wrasse is the largest living thing in the tank


Active Member
its normal for MANY wrasses to bury themselves in the sand when stressed, scared or sleeping. Hiding too. after a while it should start coming out.


My wrasse of choice is a Christmas Wrasse which I've had for quite awhile now... He tends to bury himself for most of the time (at least when I'm awake and/or home.. LOL!), but does appear to have some kind of schedule because he tends to be out and about every day for a couple of hours in the late afternoon to early evening hours.... (Yes, around "supper time"!)... and every once in awhile comes out in the morning.... Although definitely elusive, I find his personal display of coloration and activity a great asset to the tank and my pleasure! (Please forgive the poor photography - it only gives you just an idea of his magnificence!)



lunare wrasse acording to saltwaterfish, i saw him moving around when i rolled over about 2 this morning, thanks for the help


Active Member
Originally Posted by BAMACJ5
lunare wrasse acording to saltwaterfish, i saw him moving around when i rolled over about 2 this morning, thanks for the help

it wont be hiding or burying long unless something is wrong. they are always out and very actively swim all over the tank once acclimated.


I have one and it wont quit until the lights off then its like a little kid it goes to bed in the rock (cant find it most the time) and when the lights come back on its non stop add retarded fish all over again.


It came out today for the morning feeding stayed out for about ten minutes and havnt seen it again not even for feeding, it looked healthy, no loss of color, must be shy