
anyone has any suggestions on a wrasse that is colorful and reef safe, and can go with peculas, damsels,and cardinal fish, and such.(peaceful tankmates)and won't eat my cleaner shrimps. thanks


Active Member
The fairy wrasses are cool... I really like the Painted Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus solorensis)


Active Member
I have a Carpenter's flasher wrasse that I just love, but keep in mind that they are known jumpers...


I have a yellow coris wrasse with a perc and a yellow tail damsel. they all get along great! i have had a close call with him jumping out though


My favorite wrasse, a six-line. Very small, active, handsome, and fun. This fish does not stop swimming.


If you want peaceful wrasse, I wouldn't recommend a six line. Its a fish that can go either way, it can be nice or be a terror. I would go with a more peaceful wrasse like the others stated.


I just recently bought a bird wrasse.....a terrific addition, and he has not even looked at my corals.....I adore the long beak and the colorful beak that he has. BUT whenever trying to take pics.......it seems like he is a camera ham..........oh and he eats whatever I place in the tank....
debs:D :happy:


I really doubt that a six-line would eat cleaner shrimp. First the shrimp are much bigger then the fish. Second, no fish really eat cleaner shrimp. I had a Valentini puffer, and he loved to be cleaned by them, and would never think aboput touching them. If you are looking at wrasses than all of them are to be considered as 50/50. They can be good or bad, but I think that it is a myth about six-line wrasses.Maybe I am wrong?


Active Member

Originally posted by ajroc31
No fish really eat cleaner shrimp. I had a Valentini puffer, and he loved to be cleaned by them, and would never think aboput touching them.

I have to disagree with your statement about no fish eating cleaner shrimp. Many of your agressive fish (groupers, puffers, lions, triggers, eels, hawkfish) would consider a cleaner shrimp a nice snack. Yes, cleaners have been kept successfully with these types of fish, but that is more of an exception than a rule.
However, I do agree that a six line would probably not eat a cleaner. Six lines tend to be pod munchers...