WTB Beginner Corals in NJ/Main Line PA


Active Member
Hey all - I'm looking for some neat shrooms, some lower-light polyps or pretty zoos for my new nano.
I can't trade, don't have anything yet, but I'm willing to buy if u can beat my LFS's prices (which honestly isn't very difficult
I'll even go for some xenia if someone would like to get rid of a frag or two in my direction.
New Jersey (anywhere) and main-line PA only - I will pick up.
Thanx a million! :happy:


Active Member
Done!! I should be in Philly this weekend (I live in NJ, my folks live in PA). Either Friday or Saturday night.
I'll e-mail you soon as I know for sure (probably tommorrow afternoon). THANK you!!!


I've got some nice ricordia floridas that do well under lower light, feel free to email me at starwerks1 at hotmail dot com