WTB cleanup crew


Hey guys, I'm looking to bolster my 5 hermit and 5 snail cleanup crew for my 55 gal. It's FOWLR right now but the cleanup crew needs to be reef safe. My local fish stores charge nearly three bucks a piece for these guys with almost 10% sales tax. I'd like to try and buy some online but am facing really high shipping charges. Does anyone sell or know where I can get a reasonably priced cleanup crew?


Originally Posted by renogaw
I don't mean to flame swf.com, but I checked out the above link and said what the heck, I've already got a $20 credit from buying some LR so that should keep the price at $89 after the Temporary fuel charge and Processing fees of ~$20. This and the free shipping makes this really attractive. When I tried to apply the $20 credit I got this:
You've fallen below the live goods minimum sub-total requirement of $79.00. Credits do not count towards the minimum requirement. You will need to add to your order or reduce the credit amount.
Unless I'm totally misunderstanding, there's no way for me to use the full credit amount. Frustrating

I guess I'll continue my search for alternate sources.
*CORRECTION* I can get the 30-90 gal package and apply the full $20 for the same price (~$100). However, it may be too many critters for my newly established tank.


Active Member
you could just throw something really cheap in there like a bag of pods to bring it up to the minumum amount


Active Member
correct, the minimum has to be spent when you want to use a credit. so you'd have to spend $99.
the critter package for a 30-99 isn't too bad for your tank, but honestly i'd pick and choose my own clean up crew instead of going with one of their packages.


Thanks for tips guys. I ended up picking out some critters myself instead of going with a package.