Originally Posted by
I don't really do the name thing so just e-mail me and I will send you pictures and prices. I have some blue shrooms, a green leather frag, blue and green paly's, purple paly with a green mouth, some gold paly's(not brown super bright), some pink with yellow centered(resembles mohawks), some super bright red's, some red, blue and greens, some orange with a pink and orage center, and maybe a few(2-3 heads) AOG's and purple deaths. Anyone interested just shoot me an e-mail.
Mscarpena@msn.com. Also obviously the AOG's, purple deaths, and bright reds will not be anywhere near the $1.50 range. These heads will range from $10.00-$20.00 per head.
can you post some pics on here? im interested in the AOG's, PD, BR, etc....
pm me with some pics with prices thanks!