WTB live rock will pay 4.00lb


I live in the kansas city kansas area emial me on your location. I will drive up to 8 hrs for the rock. I am wanting to buy 100 lbs or so.


I have the rock you need, but i'm abour 15 hours away......


Never mind my previous post about the distance. After checking with my sister who has a Fed-Ex account, i could do 100lbs for $4/lb INCLUDING shipping. Plus, i really need to get this tank torn down since we're moving in a few months.
If your interested, email me at matt_m@dejazzd.com I also have some pics that i can send.


Active Member
umm sorry to hi-jack kind of but can i get 40 pounds of rock for 3 bucks shipped in the next 2 week's sometime?


Active Member
i would like to get it next week or the week after, whatever is good for whoever i may be dealing with. And when you say "wild" do you mean someone is picking it out of the ocean for you and sending it?? also how would this affect the tank? diseases and such??
MATT M- if your serious about 2.90 a pound ill take 40 pounds off of you a.s.a.p , the only reason i pick you over others is because i reall want figi and if its in an established tank with good growth i would love some!!
any info would be great


itll effect your tank just like any other live rock.. im not sure about diseases and stuff.. usually that stuff happens in a small tank nothign like a big ocean... i can get it in about 2-3 weeks... itll only be out of the water during over night shipping.. if your scared of stuff being in your rocks you could just let it sit out of water for a few days so you can get some die off


If you leave live rock out of water for more than a few hours it dies.... I know this because my friend did it to about 1500.00 in live rock. His brother in law gave him a 250g tank and he took the rock out and left in the garage floor over night and 3/4 of it died. You want to talk about a kick in the $%^'s. This was 2 yrs ago and he still talks about it like it was yesterday...


he didnt keep the rocks covered with moist newspaper or something?... geeze thats alot of rocks and money... gl with driving a car full of water and rocks..


They are rocks not fish... They do not need to breath but they do not need to stay failry warm and damp. salt water here ships rocks all over the country with damp towels and heat packs all yrs long. I may have some die off from the trip but that is the risk I am willing to take. I would rather have a bit of die off than a green rock like you get from the store for 5.00 a lb And they look bad.......... The rock that has been in a tank for 6+ months is what I am after..
So maybe I will get lucky and get some shipped to me or I will drive to get it.. I need alot of rock....


loli doubt youll get any rocks from around here... or from anywhere that will only be out in air for over night..


what imt rying to say is.. even if someone has rocks that been in their tank for 6 months.. by the time it gets to you itll just be like any other rock.. that is enless you pay for shipping... shipping over night 100 lbs isnt very cheap... shipping regular ground probably be like atleast 40+ ...


Active Member
Originally Posted by caomt
what imt rying to say is.. even if someone has rocks that been in their tank for 6 months.. by the time it gets to you itll just be like any other rock.. that is enless you pay for shipping... shipping over night 100 lbs isnt very cheap... shipping regular ground probably be like atleast 40+ ...
Just so you know shipping is where you're gonna get kicked in the pants. I paid around $60 to have my fiji rock shipped second day to me... and it was only 45lbs of rock!


thats what im trying to say.. im buying about 100-200 lbs of live rock and im gettin free shipping if i order over 100 lbs... i only have a 29 gallon tank.. ahaha


I have a lot of live rock I can sell. I can't do $2.90lb/shipped that is insane! I was selling for $3 + shipping and I get a good shipping rate. Email me and we'll talk marshall.montgomery at gmail.com