WTB: Mantis Shrimp


Active Member
If I ever catch the one in my tank - he's all yours.
It's about 2 to 2-1/2 inches long.
I'm curing some live rock now. Should be finished up in a couple weeks.
Then I'll be tearing into the tank and can remove the rock the mantis calls home ( bottom of the rockwork stack ).
Once I flush the little guy out of it's hole, I'll let you know.
If you're interested let me know.
Email: Broomer5@aol.com


Active Member
I'd love the fella. Do you know which species. I'll take anything I can get, but was just interested. Good luck with the 75, how's it coming?


Active Member
Not sure what species.
Almost a dark blue/green/black color.
If you have any links or info - I could try and see what species it is. I'll try and get a pic - Ha !
It's like trying to get a picture of the wind .......
75's coming along slowly. Adding more live rock soon, then lighting project sometime in August/September - then finally start stocking it with some new corals.


Active Member
Hey Demo,
Ammonia reading zero in my live rock curing tank. May add a piece or two to my tank(s).
Going to tear into the live rock stack in my 75 and get that rock the mantis is hiding in.
Then the high saline dip in a bucket.
Hope I catch the little bugger.