WTB or trade for: purple blade gorgonian


Active Member
(pterogorgia sp.) Purple blade gorgonian.
I want some, if anyone knows some who has it and may be willing to sell or trade a frag of it let me know.
bass.assassin at adelphia.net


Active Member
I don't believe this is what you are refering to but I do have this purple gorgonian. I can cut off a few branches really easily if you are interested.


Active Member
that is beautiful, but it isnt the specemin I am looking for thanks for the offer though. maybe another time, I have my heart set on the pterogorgia for now.
loks like this image below.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I don't believe this is what you are refering to but I do have this purple gorgonian. I can cut off a few branches really easily if you are interested.

how much do you want for a slice off that gorg?
It looks alot like my orange one in shape. Willing to ship? S.Florida


Active Member
Wow, I'm suprised some people are interested.
Unfortunately I had to move some things around in my tank and I noticed some of the branches had some die off. I have trimmed the dead pieces off but I want to wait to make sure it is fully healed before I attempt to frag it.
If it heals and I decide to frag it I will start a new thread so I don't sidetrack reefkprZ' thread. Those people who have already expressed interest will of course have first dibs.


Active Member
ya i dont care even if its a tiny peice. Itll grow. Let us know if you are interested in fraggin it down the line.


Active Member
bump for pterogorgia sp
thanks guys for not wanting to hijack but if you can get what you want out of this thread then go for it. I dont think many people have /pterogorgia sp/


Active Member
Way bump, you ever find this one? I saw it listed on my pet stores wholesale list, purple blade right?


Active Member
I did find it. it turns out the guy who buys 99% of my frags can get them no problem I tried to save a dieing one he had in stock but I failed. i'll try again later once I finish with my frag tank and thin out my display some.