WTB ... Skimmer

I need a skimmer to use either in my sump or my 20g tank. I currently have a skimmer for my sump so if yours is bigger than my Seaclone 100, I can swap them. I'd prefer a sump model vise a H.O.T. style. Either way, my 20g NEEDS a skimmer. Skilters are not out of the question. Email or post what you have and what you need to get for it.


Active Member
I may be selling a CPR SR2 soon - maybe.
You'd need to buy a small Rio600 RV
Model Recommended
Tank Size
Footprint Diameter Height
SR2 up to 60 gallons 5" x 7" N/A 16"
I'd like one fairly soon. No emergency, but as with most stuff, ssoner the better. What will you sell me yours for ? If it is cheap...I'll wait.
Broomer, when will you know about if you are selling ?