WTG - 92 Gallon Corner in NJ - Desparately!!


We were so close to getting a fully stocked set up from someone tomorrow, but he went back to the person who's been hemming & hawing on it for a month now.

We're already spoiled on just the idea and don't want to go smaller. Though tempting when we see other offers, we think we'd be sorry if we got less than the 92 at this point. We don't have alot of space to work with, so corner is the best bet for us.
If anyone happens to have this type of a set up, or knows someone who does and is looking for a home for any reason...please let me know!!
I've got little kids that are hooked on the aquarium. They're not too happy with me at the moment because I made the mistake of telling them about the other one before we actually had it. (They want room for a "REAL" Dory)

Thank you for your time!