I would love to trade. (Zoos) I have some orange and vibrant green that I could send your way. I'm at work right now but could send some photos in the morning... Interested?
those are nice. I have some kinda like them
Bronco-I post to you on your dwarf thread. did you see it.
Teresa aka chinamom
never mind I guess i should have went and checked first. oh well
Bronco, here are some photos. the green colony is the actual one that I would send you. I would have to get some of the orange that has moved its way onto the sand and send that I could also send. The photo of both green and orange are the "mother colony".. :hilarious Let me know if your interested. http://s136.photobucket.com/albums/q...t=IMG_0398.jpg
I'm having some issues trying to attach the darn photos. follow the link in the previous post and it will give you a grouping. Any suggestions on how to post the photos with a URL?
wow, those look great. I wish I could trade you guys but I don't have anything to frag. Lemme know if you guys would be willing to receive somethin besides corals. jamesdadonka@yahoo.com