X-Mas came early for me.


I have a friend who use to be into fish tanks and has given up the hobby. He is an older guy and just remarried and wants to get rid of all his stuff. He asked me to sell the stuff for him and give him $2500 and i get to keep the rest. I know already i am keeping the 90gal with oak stand and canapy,oceanic wet/dry, mag 1200gph pumps,2 overflow systems,brand new protein skimmer never been used,3 300 watt heaters,powerheads,MH lighting and fluval and ehiem filters. I am going to switch my 75 out to the 90gal and i am going to have a nice reef tank. Also gives me a reason to chang out this CC to sand.
This is just a drop in the bucket to what he has.
He has 8-75gal with stand,lights, lids, filters.
A 75gal with oak canopy and stand. .
A 120 gal with stand ,lights, lids, wet/dry.
44gal hex, 10-20gals, couple 10gals
Diatom filters, rocks, 6 wet/dry's, pc lighting, more fluval and ehiem filters, 8 penguin 330's still in the box,heaters, pumps, food, test kits, powerheads,skimmers,MH lighting,pc lighting and so much more i have no idea whats all there. I am getting a U-Haul truck this weekend and putting it all in my brothers basement and cleanign everything up.
After i clean everything up i will take pictures and offer the stuff for sale on here if anyone is interested.


He use to be in fish alot but gave it up. Also he was breeding fish thats why he had so many 20 and 10 gals.