X-Mas Tree worm rock out at night?


I purchased a boulder coral with at least 50 beautiful x-mas tree worms living in it. It is eating well and looks awesome...but I can only see it at night about an hour after the lights shut down...my lfs where I purchased it has a smaller one just like it, and the worms come out all day. Does anyone else have one and what time do you get to see the beautiful colored worms?


My LFS has one that opened all the time until he moved it to a tank with better lighting, it took a few weeks before it adjusted and started opening up during the day again. HTH


Active Member
Save a life, and return the X-Mas tree rock.
Your lighting is no where near the amount of lighting the "rock" will need. The "Rock" is actually a species of Porities, which is a species of Small Polyp Scleractinian (SPS). These worms will host in the coral. When the coral dies, so do the worms.
As said above, your lighting is no where need the amount to keep the coral alive. I would return it. For the most part, the dusters themselves are very
difficult to keep alive.
I would return it back to the LFS, and possibly pick up a much hardier coral which can live in your tank setup.


I have a rock with porites and x-mas tree worms. I would make sure about the lighting. I have mine under 175 watt MH and they are doing well. I also agree that once they adjust they will come out during the day.


Sorry for the confusion I will correct my sig. I have over 700 watts of light. I have 8-96 watt tube lighting on tank in two set-ups hanhing over top.