XBOX or PS2 ... Put in your vote


Almarktool, LOL. Personally I own a PS2 and love every minute of it. I have not played Xbox. But what I can see PS2 has a better selection of games. IMO. For example the Grand Theft Auto III games (orginal, new vice city coming in late october). Some people swear by the Xbox. But I am a Sony man, and have never had one problem, I have owned my PS2 for almost a year. It's DVD quality is pretty good and one of the main reasons I bought it, Xbox has the same capability. HTH


Let me put it this way. I own a xbox and my friends that own a ps2 are jealous of me. Xbox also has some awsome games
NFL Fever is the best football game
and Halo is the best shooter
There is many more but these are my favorite games. And these two games alone make the xbox worth buying.


Active Member
I love my Xbox my friend just bought a ps2 and I can tell you the graphics are better on the Xbox. Plus like said Halo is the best shooter game on the market right now. Plus you have to buy memory cards for the ps2 where the Xbox has a hard drive you can save to. Just better in my opinion.


Active Member
xbox. i have xbox and ps2. and i was doing ---- to my car and put a screen in, so the time came to decide whether i wanted xbox or ps2 in, and xbox won. so i like my xbox a lot more. you cant compare the games, because ps2 is A LOT older than xbox so of course there will be more games. but ps2 is a waste with ps3 coming out soon. xbox is the first system that i have liked in a while. Halo says it all, no game can compete. and gtaiii is coming out for xbox.


Active Member
I have an XBOX, PS2, GameCube, and my computer. PS2 is by far my favorite to play on. It has more games (far, far more games). It is still compatible with my original PS games. The controller is perfect. I like my XBOX very much but, that controller is rediculous. I am now used to the XBOX controller but, I was used to the Playstation style controller right out of the box. XBOX is better as far as being able to save to the hard drive. I have saved hundreds of songs on it that can be accessed at any time. That is pretty cool. I would say get both of em.:D


Active Member
The reason the ps2 has more games is becuase they have the second version of games from the ps1. The vote count says it all.
Well, thanks for the info guys. The gaming system finally decided on is going to be "free" so to speak, so $$$ never really played a role. If you remember, I posted elsewhere that I bought 2 PS2 for $30 that were marked as "not working". Well, 1 really works great and the other, well doesn't. Took both to Wal-Mart and they promtly took both back for exchange. XBOX was out of stock so I got a new PS2 and a store credit. I never imagined they would take both back after I bought them there as returns, but they did and gave me full credit :confused:
So it all worked out. And as for the rock, all anyone has to do is say theirs is for sale and set a price, and I'll buy (within reason - none of that $10/# cr@p !!!)
:D :D :D :D :D


Active Member
Now that we're going OT by getting sentimental on ancient video game systems, did anyone else have a Commodore 64???
Or who remembers the golden days of early computer games like Sticky Bear Math or Oregon Trail...


not me im new to computer game just over a year but im never buying another console again i dont have to upgrade my computer every year like playstation


I actually had the whole line of commodore products (64, 128, and amiga). Now I work with computers for a living...just can't seem to get away from them. As far as answering the question of buying an xbox or ps2...I would not buy the xbox only because you can buy a computer which is upgradable (the xbox is basically a computer with a Pentium III 733 processor and average video card) and the xbox is not. The PS2 does have many more games but it is only a matter of time before the xbox games start coming quickly (christmas is almost here lol).


Active Member
I had a Commodore 64....I remember everyone was jealous of me at the time...heh heh. Ahh...programming sprite graphics.
I also owned....get this....a Timex Sinclair 1000. Anyone remember those?
As for current, I love my XBox.


Active Member
We had the original pong game growing up. You know, the one that started it all. Then we had the atari 2600 and then the 5200. I had a collecovision also. I had the commadore 64 and 128, programming sprites was alot of fun wasnt it? And then came the Nintendo's and also the Sega Genesis. After that was the PS1 and now the PS2
Xbox has some great games and does have a little more power but I would never give up my PS2 for one.
I recently got the network adaptor and Sony is rumored to be working on a hard drive for the system. Also when the hard drive is installed there are rumors of game updates that can be downloaded. Awesome, I cant wait.
I recently got the game SOCOM (exclusive to PS2). Let me tell you it is by far the most addictive and fun to play game I have ever had and I have played many as you can tell by the console list above. The stand alone version of the game is great with many very challenging missions. But when you go online and play with up to 16 other people at the same time it takes on a whole new level.
Anyone with a PS2 you should try this game. If you have broadband and a PS2 with network adaptor you MUST
get this game. I am a 31 year old guy married with 2 kids and I cant wait to crank up my PS2 to play this game. Man I dont think I will ever grow up, theres no fun in it.


Active Member
Yeah, I pre-dated the Commodore too...that's why it was all new and high tech when I got one.
The first game system we had was some sort of a Pong game. It was shaped like a triangle. One side had a steering wheel for some racing game. One side had a gun, for some shooting game. The other side was a joystick and paddles for all other games. It only had a few games, but it was all black and white pong-type graphics..and pong was one of them. The cartridges were triangles too and went on top, in the middle of the console. I don't remember what it was called though.
Then the Atari 2600...I played that so much my hands hurt. Especially from Track and Field...anyone else have that mysterious red dot on the palm of their hand from moving the joystick left and right to get the guys to run? (or was that just me...:( )


Active Member
Hey I just saw a commercial for socom, it looks great. I have a question for ya if you don't mind.
I have a broadband connection, but have no idea how to get my ps2 hooked up to their network. Could you give me some tips or point me in the right direction?