Xenia behavior


I have a couple frags of xenia attached to a small piece of rock. They are certainly different in size, one really big on really small...my question is at night or anytime the lights are not on the slump over...is that normal? It seems like the perk up during the day without a problem...also I noticed when I had the pumps off they were pulsing a lot. With the pumps on they don't seem to pulse as much, how much flow should they have? When should they start multiplying? I have had the frag for just over a month now...


Active Member
my xenia pulse all the time. u might be having too much flow during the day. mine like medium flow that isnt directly at them. they spread pretty fast once conditions r met. they reproduce by dropping.


Dropping? What do you mean by that? Yes I redirected some flow and it seems like they are standing up now even at night when they had been drooping before. Hopefully that will make them improve.
When you say dropping, you don't mean like breaking off and landing somewhere do you? I imagine they would blow all over if that were the case...can you explain.


Active Member
mine would drop a branch or two, and the current will take it near a rock where it will reattach. i had my xenia from this site 3 months ago, and now it had spread to 5 different places, including some growing in the middle of my zoas.