xenia help


Active Member
Hi, I bought some xenia 3 months ago. Nice full talks they had with two pieces on a rock. I have moved it twice in the tank since I bought it. The first area was on the crushed coral and about a month into it I noticed some of the pieces of it laying on the bed. So, I moved it onto some rock higher up to the light. It seemed to perk up but my camelback shrimp like to play in it. I have watched the shrimp closley to see if he is eating it and it does not appear to be missing parts of it. It did alot better being closer to the light and that is where it stayed for 2 months. Now i have noticed it quite shrunk in size, some white stuff on it (not good I know). Is there anything I can give it or do besides buying a new light system which I just cannot do at this point to save this xenia?
10 gal nano with 2 20 watt each 50/50 pc 10,000k
Debbie :help:


Active Member
Sounds to me that your lighting is borderline as far as xenias needs go, but it should be okay. What are your other readings (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates,Ph, salinity) all imortant factors in keeping xenia. Also, what type of filtration do you run on this tank??


Active Member
Hi, thanks for your reply. Personal preference, I don't own a test kit and never have for the past 20 years of the fish hobby. Personally I don't believe in them. I don't mean this offensivley either. I do my regular water changes faithfully, watch my feedings and my salinity is the only thing I monitor and it stays at 1.024
This morning though with his bold beady eyes was Mr. Camelback shrimp snacking on my xenia. Caught the culprit in the act. I have taken the xenia and placed it on a pipe which is higher up in the tank to the light and so far so good. If the shrimp finds it and snacks on it he goes.
Tonight it is looking so much better, it is open now. But still skinny looking, I know it will take a few days before it regains itself. It was keeping closed before and now it is pulsing but looking a bit on the drab site like I said. Keeping fingers crossed.


Active Member
Well from my experience on xenia's is that sometimes they look pretty bad but they can accumlated and recover pretty well on their own. As long as the polyps on the xenia are open fully and pulsing they should do okay. On the first time when you had it in your tank you saw it laying down on your CC beds its a sign of it trying to move and spread. You should put rocks close to it so it can move on to other rocks to allow it to spread. They are pretty hardy corals just make sure you don't add chemicals to your tank you don't know about and if you do add you should setup a drip dosage cause they are very senstive to change in water.


camelback shrimps are not reef safe imo, if he finds it agian you might consider removing one or the other.


New Member
WATER QUALITY,WATER QUALITY,WATER QUALITY...........i have some beautifull xeinas in my 29 gallon tank .They warn me when i need a wated change,if your water quality is not perfect with the right calcium levels your xeinas will continue to shrink...............oh i have 120 Whats of lighting and they love it.
hope this helps


just to set the record straight, xenia can be just fine in less light. You need to put them higher in the tank, but they will be fine. I have just over 3 wpg and my xenia are dividing and look quite healthy. Their stalks aren't even elongated like they get in low light.
They do like additional iodine, and the calcium should be up there like 350 or more. They also don't do well in low salinity or with any phosphates, so you might want to check that.
Also try adding some phyto plan for them.


Active Member
Thank you for the suggestions. I did place them higher and have noticed them already starting a bit to bulk up. I am sure my shrimp was the cluprit.
Thanks again....Debbie


Dragonboy, I agree Mine were looking really bad a month ago because I just simply didnt have them close enough to the light, I moved them and they are pulsing and reproducing like crazy again!!! Its amazing what more light on Xenias can do!!!