Xenia near Cleveland OH


Active Member
My Xenia is growing like crazy so I figure it is about time to get rid of some. Let me know if anyone wants some!


New Member
Have family in Brunswick and travel there almost every three months. Can I let you know when I'll be in town next and possibly work something out?


Active Member
cptrigger - sure just send me an e-mail if you are going to be in the area. My address is jerthunter@hotmail.com.
rwp1202 & fish-fiend I'll send you an e-mail asap but here is a quick picture of my Xenia.
It has actually grown quite a bit from that picture but it still looks the same.


Do you have anything left?
Is it an easy coal to take care of? Amount of light? Water Flow? Is it a soft coral? I live in Medina. I just started to add corals to my tank (FO for three years)


Active Member
Originally Posted by bowser220
Do you have anything left?
Is it an easy coal to take care of? Amount of light? Water Flow? Is it a soft coral? I live in Medina. I just started to add corals to my tank (FO for three years)
Yes, I have more xenia, the stuff grows like crazy. It is easy for me to take care of, I don't do anything to it and it just grows, it takes moderate light in my opinion, I have 2 96 watt PC's over my 65 gal and the Xenia grows fine. I have mine in low to moderate water flow, and yes it is a soft coral. If you want some let me know.


Active Member
Sorry everyone, I know there are alot of you I haven't responded to yet so rather then try to remember who I haven't email yet I will try to answer any questions and if anyone still wants some xenia then email me, I gave my address further back in the thread.
1. I won't ship, I have tried and failed and it just isn't worth the money it costs for shipping anyways, in my opinion.
2. I am not selling the xenia, I would like to trade for something, just make me an offer ( i.e. coral frags, inverts, small pieces of rubble rock that I can use to make more xenia frags.)
3. I live in Elyria, OH
I hope this answers some questions, and again if I haven't gotten back to you right away, I apologize.