Xenia - Overgrowth - sell / trade / control


New Member
I have a 125 Gal aquarium that I started 2 years ago. I have had great success with everything I have put in (knock on wood). I purchased a small clump (about 4") of Xenia about 9 months ago which has spread to a strip of 6' long 8" wide. I want to sell some or trade for other corals / fish / etc. If anyone has some knowledge on the subject of growth control, please let me know. Can this much coral in this tank cause any problems? Anyone have any ideas?
Back online my computer died - visit ouraquarium.tripod.com to see the coral. also my email is emchapman2@comcast.net


If you want to send it to 29708 S.C. I will buy some. We need corals I don't have anything to trade as our tank is only about 2 monthls old.


New Member
Hi, We have a 90 gallon that we first bought Xenia for and it spread, the more you cut the more it grows like a weed. The simple way to seperate, I place a frag rock next to it and within days it attaches to it. Keep it away from glass or anything you don't want it to attach to. We have since added pieces to our 80 gallon and my new 20 gallon. Find a local fish store to trade, some people aren't as lucky as us and it doesn't grow for them.


Thanks Kim! How long do we need to wait? What can I add while waiting? We have a 55 gal with:
about 70 lbs LR, and the damsel. We added Emarald crabs, arrow crab, scarlet crabs, Engineer Goby, lettuce nudibranch, feather duster, deep sea yellow Gorgonia, pencil urchin and orange linkia star last week. Thanks in advance for the info as we don't want to get anything that won't promote healthy salt water life:happy:


New Member
Patience is the key. l noticed you added an urchin, this alone will limit what you can add. If you want beautiful corals, the urchin will have to go. You can add snails to your cleaner crew. The damsel will become aggressive toward new fish and it will be difficult to remove later.
How old is your tank? Is the damsel left over from cycling? I think adding all that in one week is alot BUT, it may be ok. I was just thinking it was newly established because of your # of posts and your sign up date.
Check your water peram's again this week.. make sure NO signs of ammonia or nitRITES,,, and then get your nitRATE reading... :yes:
And, If your gonna add fish, I would GET RID of the damsel, they have BOLD temperments and will bully your SHOW fish. It is SO hard to get them OUT once you have put your rock in, but we ALL have done it.. It took me over an hour to get mine out. I also had to take out over 50 lbs of LR to catch the bugger...
WELCOME to the boards.. Kim


Thanks Elena
I guess we will be setting up our other tank then. The damsel and urchin will go in it. I will just stick with adding snails for now. If anyone knows how long I need to wait between adding other things please let me know. Also, how long do I need to wait on the corals?:happyfish


i'll purchace some frags from ya, How much r u asking?
1 other question for ya, what type of flow and lighting does your xenia lilke? i've learned one lesson if not any more no two animals are alike.


Great Info Kim!!! We had salt water about 8 years ago before kids. Now we are relearning ;) Our tank is on mth 2. We had to buy lots to hit the min order here on sw.com
Since the order I am hooked to the info on the message boards. Here are the levels I did it this morning.
ph 7.7, KH 5, NH3 0, NO2 0, Po4 1, SG 1.024.
So i added some superbuffer today and will to little next couple days, and adding phosgard.
Sound right? Thanks for the support and info!!!


New Member
Do you really like them pointy things? We have kept some in a live rock and fish only tank. What size are you going to set up next? We used to have a 150 years ago, that came down when we moved. Now we, well my husband set up a 90 with corals, about 2 yrs old now, an 80g about 4 months old, a 20 g frag tank and I take care of my mini 20g 6 weeks old. I didn't have to cycle because I used the water from the big tank. We are stocking from Salterfish.com. The cleaner pack was a good price and we split it between the tanks. Live rock we do get at local stores because of the weight and I like to hand pick the shapes.


New Member
The 90g has been doing great with the Orbitz power compact 4 - 65w and running a wave maker with 900 gph pump and 500 gph pump. The Xenia is right under both sides on top.


New Member
Hi, I'm not sure if we want to try shipping. We trade locally with store and hobbyists. Anybody with experience in shipping? , please let us know.


Active Member
Check the sticky at the top of the trading forum - it has a lot of advice in shipping :yes: .