Xenia, Tree coral, GSP and Monti Frag pack


I have put together a combo frag pack. It includes a frag of pom-pom xenia, tree coral bright green, green star polyps and a peachish color montipora digi. I have all of these growing under 2x65w power compacts. Sizes range from ~1"+ Asking $50 + shipping your choice of USPS, UPS or Fed Ex. I will include a 30+ hour heat pack and ship them in a styrolined cooler. Here are some pics
Pom-Pom Xenia

Tree Coral after fragging all healed and mounted now


Monti Digi


Thanks Harris28 for the feedback:)
Nano Reefer- I would like to see this pack go together as It takes alot of time for me to make up the stryolined boxes. Plus this time of the year the only way to ship is overnight and it's ~$25 USPS which is the cheapest so it's probably not worth it for 1 frag.