Xenia wanted or other low light corals



Does anyone have any extra frags they want to get rid of ? It will need to be shipped to Sc and I am willing to pay. Thanks


Did you upgrade your lights yet? Or do you still only have the basic flourecent?
Like I said earlier in another post you will need to upgrade to atleast PC lighting before you can keep corals.
You really need to understand this, as you will only cause any corals you put into your tank a slow painful death if you do not have good lighting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by namas05
Did you upgrade your lights yet? Or do you still only have the basic flourecent?
Like I said earlier in another post you will need to upgrade to atleast PC lighting before you can keep corals.
You really need to understand this, as you will only cause any corals you put into your tank a slow painful death if you do not have good lighting.
Agreed and Xenia doesnt ship well your best bet would be to find it near by and pick it up.Good luck, they are a good starter coral :joy:


where do I find those at? does Dr foster and smith have them?


yes, but you'd get a better deal on the big famous auction site that starts with E and ends with bay


I suggest buying some books about corals and what it takes to keep them too.
You can never have too much knowledge. At least not in this hobby.

the monkey

I have some xenia. I'm in Greenville, SC if you want to pick up.
It will do just fine under NO flourescents in a shallowish tank.
Don't buy the hype that you HAVE to have PC's or better to keep corals. With 4 NO tubes (120W total) a friend of mine keeps a 55 gallon with xenia, button polyps, mushrooms, and leathers... And believe it or not.... a couple of highly placed LPS corals all very very healthy and colorful and growing for over 5 years...


yes it i true occasionally you will get lucky and not need pc's or halides... but if you want to go that route be prepared for a lot of disappointment!


Well, dunno if your interested but I got some xenias that are growin nicely. Also got some pink star polyps and zoo's... dunno if those are things ud want... im in San Antonio TX tho.. but I dont mind shipping ^_^


Originally Posted by mark_D
Well, dunno if your interested but I got some xenias that are growin nicely. Also got some pink star polyps and zoo's... dunno if those are things ud want... im in San Antonio TX tho.. but I dont mind shipping ^_^
Well I'm interested in those pink star poylps. How many for how much shipped 23181 overnite? Thx


Thanks for the replys!! how much for shipping to 29909? thanks


hardcrab67 : I have no idea how to calculate shipping hahaha.. but ill go to my local UPS store tommorow to get an estimate. Id probably ask for the same amount I paid for the stars.. Ill look up how much I paid.. it wasnt much.. its a smallish frag with 10-15 polyps if im not mistaken, havent counted em in a while... Ill send u info ASAP. (Id prefer to use email, so please email me at markdosal@gmail.com , Ill email you the info)
summerdaze : I guess your talking to me? If so, Ill also check on shipping rates and Ill let you know about the xenia. I can tell you its very healthy and fragged twice. I could sell 1 of the frags (its pretty large IMO, they grow a lot during the day)
Here are recent pics of the Xenia:

To both of the above : to be honest, im more interested in corals than money, but money is always welcome cause it buys corals hahaha... but if u have corals feel free to offer em!
Also selln/tradin some green skirt, brownish middle with orange center zoos and a yellow gorgonian