


I usaly just do the temp acclimation and then just put them where I want.


Active Member
Yes that usually works perfectly fine with xenia. When customers would bring frags in, we would never acclimate them and they always did as well as they would if we had acclimated them. The only reason that it would benefit you in acclimating them is if the supplier offers a warranty to the coral. If you follow normal procedure and they still die, you could get a replacement whereas if you do not acclimate them, the supplier could always claim that they died because you did not acclimate them.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Yes that usually works perfectly fine with xenia. When customers would bring frags in, we would never acclimate them and they always did as well as they would if we had acclimated them. The only reason that it would benefit you in acclimating them is if the supplier offers a warranty to the coral. If you follow normal procedure and they still die, you could get a replacement whereas if you do not acclimate them, the supplier could always claim that they died because you did not acclimate them.
No pet shops around here offer any type of warranty. Maybe some onlie onec do.