Xenia ???


I have some new pink waving xenia when i got it, it had two small patches of xenia on it they both split but one of the colonys totally lost all its caps and died any suggestions of why that could have happened i have now move the remaining 2 colonies 2 another spot in the tank to see if it was location


sometimes xenia die naturally.This happens in the wild so the xenia can naturally control its own population.Almost every person who has xenia will get some form of dieout sooner or later.Its what you do when it dies that will help it come back.Like constant water changes and not removing the nubs of flesh that are left.Great care must be taken so your parameters in your tank dont change though,my 2 cents


Active Member
Xenia colonies will fight by releasing toxins at each other (coral warfare). You need to have good flow and run activated carbon to remove the toxins from the water. I've got lots of Xenia and run a Fluval FX5 canister with activated carbon to keep it clean.


Active Member
Xenia is a funny thing. It is hit or miss with some people. I happen to be one of the "hit" people and it grows like an out of control weed in my tank. Others have no luck.


Active Member
I wouldnt add any iodine to your tank. There is likely plenty of it in the trace elements of your salt mix. If you do add iodine make sure you get a test kit and be careful as it is easy to overdose!!


Yeah right now all i am adding is C balance and phytofeast and kalkwasher and purple up but calcium is 465 so on a good level and about my tank
it is a 72 gallon bow front with param
25 nitrate
8.0 PH
amonia 0
nitrite <.3 mgl
lights on the tank metal halide
and they are placed mid range and suggestions on anything i can do to help the spread


They tend to grow upwards. What every they can touch they will attach too. I had some on a plug and put them on the bottom of the tank They quickly grabbed on to the rock and started to spread upwards.


cool they have lots of rocks in every direction to grab I will let them take over my tank before i start hateing them :-D plus mine are some real pretty pink ones :)


Active Member
My xenia pays for alot of my tanks maintaince. I have to trim them back every month to keep them from taking over my tank. I attach the frags to rocks and take them to my lfs for store credit.