xmas present came by surprise



my wife ordered me a retrofit VHO for xmas came yesterday 440 watts over my 75 gallon
what corals should i be able to keep with success and are there any anemones that will do well under this lighting?
thanks everyone in advance for your input
and HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone be safe


Active Member
cool xmas present for sure!
you should be able to keep all softies and lps, maybe some sps. anemones are debated over as to whether they can be kept under vho. i personally have mine under mh and its doing great, so i'll let someone with personal experience give u their experience w/ vho. I know some people keeping RBTA under vho....


Ross Thank you for your input on the question at hand and may you and your family have a safe and great holiday


Well -
I'll reply to your post to get it on track.
I have 440 watt VHO over my 55 gallon in my office.
You could keep softies, most if not all LPS - You could do some SPS and people do with success.... I personally would leave SPS to MH Lightning.
With the tank being 75gal, keep in mind about coral warfare when deciding what to put into your tank.
I keep in my tank a few Zoos, 3 Finger Leathers, 4 nice size Ricordia Rocks, some Blastos, Acans - 2 Frogspawns, and a Torch -
I've also got some Xenia colonies along with Green Star Polyps and Green Center Stars
My 2 B/W Percs host my Torch coral. I prefer this over an anemone. I have personally tried an anemone in the past despite the many posts that say leave them in the ocean.
My opinion on keeping an anemone would be to leave them in the Ocean - There are other means of corals (Frogspawns, Torches, Hammers to name a few) that can give you the appearance of an anemone and allow your clowns a nice place to host.
If despite opinions on an anemone, should you decide to get one, I would recommend getting a clone from a fellow reefer with similar lightning if possible. This will greatly increase its chances of survival.
I've seen a couple softie tanks which were dominated by Ricoridia/Yumas/Zooanthids with a few Lobos..... _Very awesome_ tanks.... There is alot of color (I feel more so then SPS dominated tanks) and its fairly inexpense and easy to maintain.
Happy Holidays.


Active Member

Originally posted by ohioballer
Ross Thank you for your input on the question at hand and may you and your family have a safe and great holiday

Your welcome, and i hope you have a merry christmas too!
PS if you ever want any softie frags lemme know!