yasha goby question



i was wondering if this fish will spend more time free swimming like a firefish if they arent paired with a pistol?

crypt keeper

Active Member
mine wasnt and did not. I had it for a few weeks. The I got a sixline wrasse and it decided he wanted to end his life. Gorgeous fish. They stay smaller


Active Member
I had one, one of my favorite fish ever. It was very shy, only ventured out for food though his little head was visible most of the time. Very important that this fish not have agressive tank mates or other gobies with it in my experience. Flase perculas are good tank mates.


Active Member
It will stay hidden and mostly end it's life if it doesn't have another yasha, or a pistol shrimp.
It will be more visible with a Pistol, but will not be free swimming constantly.