Yasha Hashe Goby


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I am picking my new goby up Friday. It is GORGEOUS. Anybody have any experience with the Yasha Hashe?


Fishmamma, i just got one last week and love him.. if he would come out more. He is very timid right now and is finally getting used to the other fish swimming around him. I didn't even see him for 4 days, thought he was dead. He has made a home under one of my large pieces of LR, he has 3 "doors". I have been spot feeding him to get him to come out and now that he has I only blow food up front in hopes that he will relocate somewhere up front. I am going to get him a pistol shrimp next week hopefully they will pair up. Good luck with him.


I have a mated pair that live in a burrow with a mated pair od Randell's shrimp. Their favorite food is freezer bar Cyclop-eeze. They are out quite often looking for food. They hover at a 45 degree angle from one another to cover noncompeting areas of water flow. Both shrimp work on the borrow, sometimes togather. One will be shovelling sand to the right side of the burrow and the other tothe left side.


Active Member
Thanks everyone! So it sounds as though he will be a treat to see when he decides to venture out. Maybe I will get him a shrimp buddy. Randalli huh? Have to go look that one up, I have a pistol/shrimp goby pair in my other tank. Anyone have any pics to post??


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I did some more research and read that they can take up to 3 weeks before emerging in a new tank- which is only problematic if they starve. :scared: Cyclopeeze and mysid shrimp for a diet, fed twice daily. It also suggested putting the cyclopeeze in the water flow outlet of a pump as to reproduce their natural feeding envirnment. Should pair with the Randalls, but I called LFS and they said they can not get me a Randall but that the goby is in with a tiger pistol now. I am kind of dissapointed by this since I though having a Randalli would be cool, a little smaller and more colorful than a pistol.....don't really want to order one from this site though. On my last order I lost two of the three fish so am not too keen on ordering anymore sensitive stock to be shipped.


hey buzzword normaly it's good to get the pistol shrimp first so the gobie has a home already made because normaly the shrimp won't use the burrows the gobie made. but then again that's just how it happened for me it is veryy possible that the shrimp will use the hole the gone made. little side note one of the best pistol shrimp to get is the tiger has the best coloring of them all IMO.


Active Member
That is an interesting thought fallinmor. I have always either added them together or added the shrimp second. Now I am almost empted to go and buy that pistol today, and then go back for the goby tomorrow. But then I would have to acclimate twice. Maybe I will just add the shrimp in first, give him about 5 minutes to make some burrows and then add the goby.
So on another note have had trouble pairing your goby and shrimp? I know it sometimes takes weeks, but in a small tank I think they tend to hhok up eventually right?? Buzz- how big is your tank?


Fishmamma, my tank is a 120g. Fed the tank tonight after the chore of fishing my Red Sea blenny out of my overflow and adding some LR, up to 160+lbs of LR, and didn't see him. I am concerned b/c he wasn't feeding real well up to tonight, but he may have been scared due to me moving LR around and adding the new LR.
I think that if I add a pistol shrimp that they will pair when they find eachother. Even if the goby has already made a home. They have a lot of tank to work with.
fallinmore, my LFS is getting banded pistol shrimp I think. They had a Yasha pair with one at the store, so hopefully mine will too if he lives. Keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.
Good luck fishmamma.
And yes I feed the cyclopeeze frozen and mysis shrimp, I have seen my Yasha eat both as well as pellets, so I hope he will be ok.


I haven't had a Yasha, but I have gone through the wars of trying to get a shrimp goby to pair up with a pistol shrimp. As a matter of fact, I have 3 different pistol shrimp in my tank right now. First, I purchased my yellow watchman goby (I have had him 6 months or so now). I couldn't find a pistol, of any variety, at the time. About a month later, I purchased a Caribbean pistol shrimp. The pistol shrimp immediately went and hid among my rocks and never dug any sand. The goby would go close to him, but they just didn't have any interest in each other. Another month, or so, passed and I found a Bullseye Pistol at another LFS. He was digging in the LFS's aquarium, so I thought I had found my mate for my goby. WRONG! The Pistol dug him a hole, in the front of my tank, under a small piece of coral. The goby came over and rested just outside the hole, then SNAP, POP... the pistol shrimp ran him off. They have never really paid each other any attention since. About 3 weeks ago, I found a Tiger Pistol in yet another LFS. I purchased him and brought him home, acclimated him and introduced him into the tank. Within 2 hours, my goby and the Tiger were buddies. You never can tell. It's really a hit and miss situation, though, from everything I have heard, the Tiger Pistol is the easiest one to pair up with.


Active Member
gmusick- are you worried at all over having 3 shrimp in one tank? One may get knocked off in the future.....then again maybe not since they are different species. Does your bullseye show itself often? They have cool markings.
buzzword- Hopefully your Tash is just hiding from all the comotion, and if it has been eating already it will be OK if it doesn't surface again for a week or two I would think.
No worries right?
As for me and my Yasha, the saga continues. No top today either, just never showed up so they called and it is on backorder.
So I purchased the tiger pistol to put in today, he is temp acclimating at the moment. Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me, next week will be 3 weeks of holding this goby at LFS.
LFS also said they do not order the Randall shrimps because they are so small- this leads to them getting 'lost' in their tanks.


I WAS a little worried about having 3, but, beyond a few small territorial disputes, they all stay in their little caves and are peaceful. The Tiger, who has paired up with my watchman goby, comes out very often, but mainly during the day. The Caribbean hardly ever shows itself at all. The Bullseye comes out pretty often at night, or early morning when the light first comes on. I hear them fighting in there, sometimes, but not very often, and none of them seem any worse for the wear. I think they will all do just fine.


Active Member
Glad to hear they are all getting along well, it is cool that you have so many kinds of pistol shrimp. My tiger is out constantly, the bugger has no fear. He even leaves the goby- as in half way across the tank to run out and search for some food or to snag a hermit.
My next shrimp addition will be a blood shrimp, I was informed the sexies would make tasty snacks for my two banded clown.


Active Member
Originally Posted by traib
I have a mated pair that live in a burrow with a mated pair od Randell's shrimp. Their favorite food is freezer bar Cyclop-eeze. They are out quite often looking for food. They hover at a 45 degree angle from one another to cover noncompeting areas of water flow. Both shrimp work on the borrow, sometimes togather. One will be shovelling sand to the right side of the burrow and the other tothe left side.
Have you ever tried raising the yasha hase goby fries? That's a first I've heard of them breeding.