Yay for maturity


I have reached a step of maturity in the Salt Water world I believe
At my LFS they had 2 very nice picasso's for sale 100 each or 150 for the pair. I wanted to get them so much because and I had the money also. But my qt is still getting cycled. I believe that if it was a few months ago I would have bought them and just put them in my main tank. I showed restraint though and didnt buy them. Yay me

Now my question is I already have a pair of false percs in my 55. If the store still has the picassos when my qt is finaly finished cycling is it safe for me to put the pair in my 55?


Active Member
I wouldsnt think so. 4 in a 55 gallon is pretty tightand not a lot of run. Just catch the flase percs in trade them in towards the picassos. Should have told the LFS owner to hold them for you


I would never trade in my two clowns I love them. My bioload is pretty light though
2 false percs (not full grown yet)
1 flame angel
1 sixline wrasse
1 watchman goby
1 cleaner shrimp
also my cleanup crew