Yay for Saltwater.com!


I just got our new order from here all set up to drip acclimate for awhile and wanted to say that everyone looks great so far!!!! It's just a little more cleanup crew, some hermies (man, I forgot just how teensy eensy they can be!!!), extra shells, turbos, queen conch, and a lettuce nudi but I'm as excited as if it was some gorgeous prized fish!
I'm glad my day off came on the day they got here so that I could wait for the delivery guy.
The hermies are all crawling around, some snails have already started climbing around on the sides of my small rubbermaid, the nudi seems determined to climb right out of the water he's moving so fast, and the conch is just sitting right now with her eyes out looking around ("whoa, wild ride!"
Thanks, Saltwater.com!!


lol, congrats dane!!! i want a lettuce nudi too, but i'm afraid i won't have enough hair algae for it. What do you plan on feeding it?


Active Member
Almost my entire cleaning crew has come from here and I've always been very happy!! Congrats...


i want a lettuce nudi too, but i'm afraid i won't have enough hair algae for it. What do you plan on feeding it?
I've got a 130 and believe me, there's PLENTY of that bleepin algae for him right now!! :hilarious I have a SCARY amount of algae we've been growing for awhile.
Once that's all eaten up we have a local group that uses lettuce nudis collectively. The nudi gets one tank all cleaned up then goes on to the next tank. It seems to work nicely since the one we all share right now is absolutely HUGE and has even had babies!