Yay, he lived through the night!!



Yesterday, I bought a wrasse. Iddy biddy thing.
The LFS had 2. One active but faded colors, one bright as heck but not as active...
which did I pick??
Active of course.
He's in QT, and he was pretty still all evening and of course last night.
I drip acclimated, but it dripped faster than I woulda liked so he went from 1.018 to 1.025 in as little as an hour or so...
He jumped out of the bucket while I was out of the room. Anyway, this morning he's up and eating and swimming...
Next is pics. I need an accurate ID. Best I could find was pencil wrasse, but it's not quite perfect. So, perfectdark... here we go again, lol


Yellow dorsal, reddish orange face, bluish body (behind his gills is bluer in real life than in the pic...), very light blue (under body) fin, and a little black spot right near his tail...


nice wrasse. man, they're tough to i.d. though. Cirrhilabrus or Paracheilinus would be two genera to start with. sorry i can't be more help. we'll better off when the fish is more acclimated.


Active Member
Congrats!!! I can't wait to start buying fish again. The first morning is always scary... peeking into the tank to count the bodies :)


Turns out that it's a Lubbocks fairy, and if it keeps the color that it is now then it's a female, but if it turns more blue then it's a male. When I google the lubbocks, most look like mine, but the one on this sight does not.


Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Whoa, he jumped out??
He did. It was just a bowl, maybe 1 gallon size. He flopped under the table, luckily my dog was sniffing him cause I was looking around the qt, and he was behind me under the table!


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Congrats!!! I can't wait to start buying fish again. The first morning is always scary... peeking into the tank to count the bodies :)
I cannot decide which to buy. My daughter, while going through Michael Scotts book found a wrasse and said we need to get one for our tank. When I brouht this one home, she said she loved it and "this one is MY fish mom..."
So she picks em...lol


Originally Posted by Tizzo
He did. It was just a bowl, maybe 1 gallon size. He flopped under the table, luckily my dog was sniffing him cause I was looking around the qt, and he was behind me under the table!
Oh man my dog would eat it in a second...he is currently biting at the tank, he's convinced he can eat the fish


Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Oh man my dog would eat it in a second...he is currently biting at the tank, he's convinced he can eat the fish

My dog is literally the most perfect dog I could ask for. I swear he understands english.
Today we had 2 geckos on our back porch, they were both male so their little throats were flairing out. Normally my dog, 1/2 ratt terrier, LOVES to chase these things. But today I wanted to get pics of their little war so I told him "hush", he sits quietly while I take pics 3 feet from the lizards.
Awesome dog!


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
How about a Candy Hog Wrasse or Lantern Basslet or any of the Assessors?

Now...why you gotta be all difficult? (that's my ebonics) lol
I like thinking he's a Lubbock's, therefore he shall be!!


Originally Posted by Tizzo
My dog is literally the most perfect dog I could ask for. I swear he understands english.
Today we had 2 geckos on our back porch, they were both male so their little throats were flairing out. Normally my dog, 1/2 ratt terrier, LOVES to chase these things. But today I wanted to get pics of their little war so I told him "hush", he sits quietly while I take pics 3 feet from the lizards.
Awesome dog!
It wasn't the word you used, it was your tone of voice. Way to take control and be the pack leader!


Originally Posted by dpeter51
It wasn't the word you used, it was your tone of voice. Way to take control and be the pack leader!

Funny you mention that, cause the dog will "obey" pretty much anyone in the family, but if I tell him something that contradicts what another has said, he will always listen to me.
Wish I could say the same for the kids.

But as far as the fish, cause I know you all wanna know...
He's quit hiding now and comes out when I approach the tank. He has already associated me with food (even though I only feed once a day).
I am very happy w/ him thus far...


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Funny you mention that, cause the dog will "obey" pretty much anyone in the family, but if I tell him something that contradicts what another has said, he will always listen to me.
Wish I could say the same for the kids.

But as far as the fish, cause I know you all wanna know...
He's quit hiding now and comes out when I approach the tank. He has already associated me with food (even though I only feed once a day).
I am very happy w/ him thus far...
That is excellent! I am glad that he is doing well.