Yesterday, I bought a wrasse. Iddy biddy thing.
The LFS had 2. One active but faded colors, one bright as heck but not as active...
which did I pick??
Active of course.
He's in QT, and he was pretty still all evening and of course last night.
I drip acclimated, but it dripped faster than I woulda liked so he went from 1.018 to 1.025 in as little as an hour or so...
He jumped out of the bucket while I was out of the room. Anyway, this morning he's up and eating and swimming...
Next is pics. I need an accurate ID. Best I could find was pencil wrasse, but it's not quite perfect. So, perfectdark... here we go again, lol
The LFS had 2. One active but faded colors, one bright as heck but not as active...
which did I pick??
Active of course.
He's in QT, and he was pretty still all evening and of course last night.
I drip acclimated, but it dripped faster than I woulda liked so he went from 1.018 to 1.025 in as little as an hour or so...
He jumped out of the bucket while I was out of the room. Anyway, this morning he's up and eating and swimming...
Next is pics. I need an accurate ID. Best I could find was pencil wrasse, but it's not quite perfect. So, perfectdark... here we go again, lol