yeah! my first fish!


So, I got my first fish for my aquarium. I got a yellow coris wrasse. I'm excited, but a little nervous. Things have been fine in my tank, just nervous though, since its been a while since I've had fish. Wish me luck! I will post pics soon.

al mc

Active Member
I am very happy for you..and yes, s/he is just hiding while s/he just acclimates to the new surroundings..........


Active Member
Yes your fish is hiding and yes it will continue to hide. It is scared so do NOT go looking for it. Stay a couple of feet away from the tank when you look at it. Give it a chance to get used to it's new home and food. You may need to add garlic extract to the food to get it to eat. Just because you are putting food in the tank, it may not know what you are putting in there is food. Garlic not only smells and tastes good to people, but to fish also.
I hope your tank is covered. I had one of these fish once and all of a sudden it was gone. Found him months later when I was moving the tank.
So I hope I have not scared you too much and I think I will get off my soapbox now.
Congrats on your first, are you handing out cigars?


Active Member
Our wrasses both hid, our yellow burried himself in the sand all day and night. Then the next morning he was out. They will get used to your light cycle too.


thanks everyone for your help---- you each get a cigar... that says...
"IT'S A FISH!!!!!"
Once he comes out from hiding, I will get a picture of my little miss sunshine and post it on here.
I guess if I name it that, then its a girl, right?
IT'S A GIRL !!!!!!!
There's your cigars then--- enjoy!


Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
Our wrasses both hid, our yellow burried himself in the sand all day and night. Then the next morning he was out. They will get used to your light cycle too.
well, its been almost a day, and he hasn't come out, unless he was out when I went to work. But i still don't see him out, is it still normal? should the lights be on or off now?